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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Endüstriyel Elektronik
English Industrial Electronics
Course Code
EHB 428 Credit Lecture
Semester 8
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Ali Bahadır
Course Objectives 1. To give the basic knowledge on the building blocks of industrial electronics
2. To give the basic concepts for the design procedure
Course Description Linear and nonlinear applications of operational amplifers, OTA applications, instrumentation amplifiers. Power Supplies: Design with linear regulator ICs, switched mode power supplies. Power MOSFET and its applications, Sensors.
Course Outcomes 1. design linear applications of operational amplifers,
2. design nonlinear applications of operational amplifers,
3. design applications of OTA
4. design applications of instrumentation amplifiers
5. design power supply applications with linear regulator ICs
6. design power supply applications with switched mode Ics
7. have basic knowledge of power MOSFETs
8. have basic knowledge of sensors
Pre-requisite(s) EHB 335/335E min DD
Required Facilities
Textbook 1. Thomas L. Floyd, David Buchla, Fundemantals of Analog Circuits (Second Edition), Prantice Hall, 2002
2. C.D.Simpson, Industrial Electronics, Prentice Hall, 1996
3. M.H.Rashid, Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Aplications (Second edition), Prantice Hall, 1993
4. M.Mohan, T.M. Undeland, W.P.Robbins, Power Electronics, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1995
5. J. David Irwin, The Industrial Electronics Handbook, IEEE Press, 1997
Other References
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