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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Management / END 471E - Pazarlama ve Müşteri İlişkileri Yönetimi Analitiği

END 471E - Marketing & CRM Analytics

Course Objectives

The students will,
1- learn the basic concepts in customer relationship management and marketing analytics
2- learn how to apply and interpret the results of the statistical and mathematical techniques used in CRM and marketing analytics
3- learn to perform these techniques for sample problems with software packages
4- be able to analyze a real-life problem in their term project.

Course Description

This course involves technology enabled and model supported approaches to analyze data to drive effective marketing decision making. It will focus on customer relationships and marketing problems such as:
a) segmenting the market (using clustering methods),
b) predicting market potential and customer value (using CLV),
c) identifying target customers (using classification trees, RFM),
d) positioning products/brands (using multidimensional scaling),
e) identifying customer preferences (using conjoint analysis),
f) customer conversion prediction,
g) customer development and customer retention.

Course Coordinator
Umut Asan
Course Language
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