END 308 - Quality Engineering
Course Objectives
The statistical basis of Shewhart control charts, including the choice of sample size, control limits, and sampling interval; Phase I and phase II use of control charts; Interpretation of control charts for variables and control charts for attributes; The advantages and disadvantages of attributes versus variables control charts; Conducting and analyzing a measurement system capability experiment and estimating the components of variability in a measurement system; Investigating and analyzing process capability and explaining the differences between process capability and process potential; Control charts for small process shifts (Cusum, EWMA, and so on.); Control charts for autocorrelated data, identification and analysis of the sources/effects of autocorrelation on control charts; Control charts for multivariate variability; The use of a statistical computing package (Minitab, Stata, etc.) on example data sets.
Course Description
The statistical basis of Shewhart control charts, including the choice of sample size, control limits, and sampling interval; Phase I and phase II use of control charts; Interpretation of control charts for variables and control charts for attributes; The advantages and disadvantages of attributes versus variables control charts; Conducting and analyzing a measurement system capability experiment and estimating the components of variability in a measurement system; Investigating and analyzing process capability and explaining the differences between process capability and process potential; Control charts for small process shifts (Cusum, EWMA, and so on.); Control charts for autocorrelated data, identification and analysis of the sources/effects of autocorrelation on control charts; Control charts for multivariate variability; The use of a statistical computing package (Minitab, Stata, etc.) on example data sets.
Course Coordinator
Seda Yanık Özbay
Course Language