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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Sistem Düşüncesi ve Analizi
English Systems Thinking and Analysis
Course Code
END 211 Credit Lecture
Semester 3
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Cafer Erhan Bozdağ
Course Objectives 1. Systems and understanding system concept
2. Earning the ability to perceive an organization as a system
3. Defining the problems, analyzing the system, designing the new system, setting up the preparation phase of the new system and learning the application phase of the system
Course Description System definition, hierarchy of systems, principles of systems approach, systems concepts, system as black boxes. Systems analysis, systems design, implementation, operation. Soft systems methodology and its stages. Systems thinking, feedback loops, behaviors of systems.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:

I. analyze organizations with a systems approach using system concepts
II. define the problems and analyzing the system
III. develop solution proposals in order to remove or mitigate the problems
IV. build models and design the new system
V. carry out implementation and operation of the designed system
Required Facilities
Textbook Analiz, Tasarım ve Uygulamalı Sistem Yönetimi, Haluk Erkut, 1995, İrfan Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
Management Science: Decision Making Through Systems Thinking, Hans G. Daellenbach, Donald C. McNickle, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
Other References Systems: Concepts, Methodologies and Applications, Brian Wilson, John Wiley & Sons, 1990
Systems Thinking: Creative Holism for Managers, Michael C. Jackson, John Wiley & Sons, 2003
Managing With System Thinking, Michael Ballé, McGraw-Hill, 1994.
Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World, John, D. Sterman, McGraw-Hill, 2000
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