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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish İşletme Mühendisliğine Giriş
English Intr. to Management Engin.
Course Code
ISL 111E Credit Lecture
Semester 1
1 1 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Nedime Lerzan Özkale
Course Objectives To inform the students on the general subjects and problems of Management Engineering.
To make grasp the differences of the management engineering from the other engineering fields and management.
To explain the logic of the curriculum in order to increase the efficiency of the students' elective course choices.
To link those with the design processes.
Course Description This course aims to emphasize the differences between engineering, basic sciences, functions of engineering concepts and management. It also consists of the role of management engineering in the social economic system and significance of design in management engineering. Use of computers in management engineering design process is also included within the context of this course.
Course Outcomes Inform about the scope and branches of Management Engineering.
Grasp the relationship of Management Engineering with the other disciplines.
Understand the importance of lifelong learning for a management engineer in his/her professional life.
Required Facilities
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