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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish E-Pazarlama
English E-Marketing
Course Code
ISL 460 Credit Lecture
Semester -
2 2 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Gonca Ulubaşoğlu
Course Objectives 1. To provide a broad understanding of e-marketing methods and strategies,
2. To provide perspectives for creating innovative marketing strategies within online environment,
3. To give the ability to formulate e-marketing models and e-marketing strategies.
Course Description Internet is reshaping the field of marketing in many ways and providing companies a new business environment. The course is designed to discuss the role of Internet in establishing and maintaining effective relationship with stakeholders and to introduce the basic concepts of e-marketing. This course also provides deep insights about e-marketing mix and e-business models.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:
I. describe the impact of Internet on marketing activities,
II. prepare strategic e-marketing plan,
III. design e-business models,
IV. consider the effects of e-marketing management on both the market mechanism and the society, to embrace social responsibility and ethical insight,
V. work as a team, cooperate and communicate with team members.
Pre-requisite(s) Marketing (ISL 353E)
Required Facilities
Textbook - Özmen, Şule (2009), Ağ Ekonomisinde Yeni Ticaret Yolu E-Ticaret, Genişletilmiş 3.Baskı, Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
- Strauss, Judy, ve Frost, Raymond (2009), E-Marketing, 5.Baskı, Pearson Education International.
Other References •Andres, C., Great Web Architecture, IDG Books
•Büyükdemir, B. (2005), Kümesteki Kartal Neden Uçamaz, Türk Girişimcilerin İnternet Servüveni, Neden Kitap
•Carolyn, S. (2004), Internet Marketing: Foundations and Principles, Houghton & Mifflin.
•Carpenter P. (2000), Ebrands: Building internet business at breakneck speed, Harvard Business School Press.
•Chaffey, D., Mayer, R., Johnston, K. ve Chadwick, F.E. (2002), Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, FT Prentice Hall.
•Dann, S. (2003), Strategic Internet Marketing, Second. Ed., Halsted Pr
•Godin, S. (1999), Permission Marketing, Simon & Schuster
•Hagel J., Singer M, (1999), Net worth: shaping markets when customers make the rules, Harvard Business School Press
•Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, http://www.csulb.edu/web/journals/jecr/p_i.htm
•Kalakota R., Whınston A.B. (1996), Electronic Commerce: A Manager’s Guide, Addison Wesley.
•Kelly K. (1998), New Rules for the New Economy: 10 Radical Strategies for a Connected World, Penguin Group
•Kenneth C. L. ve Carol G.T., (2003), E-Commerce: Business, Technology, Society, Second Edition, Addison Wesley Publishing Company
•Kırcova, İ. (2005), İnternette Pazarlama, 3.Baskı, Beta Yayınları
•Nielsen J. (1999), Designing Web Usability, New Riders
•Ross L. M., (2000), Businessplan.Com: How To Write An E-Commerce Business Plan, The Oasis Press
•Siegel, D. (2001), Şirketinizi Geleceğe Taşıyın, Literatür Yayınevi.
•Spector, R. (2000), Amazon.Com: Get Big Fast, Harper Business
•Tapscott, D. (1998), Growing up digital: The rise of the net generation, Mc Graw Hill
•Tapscott D., Lowy A. ve Ticoll D. (1998), Blueprint to the Digital Economy : Wealth Creation in the Era of E-Business, Mc Graw Hill.
•Vise, D.A, (2005), Çağımızın en yeni iş, medya ve teknoloji başarısı - Google Hikayesi, Koridor

•Business2.0 http://www.business2.com/
•Fast Company http://www.fastcompany.com/
•Red Herring http://www.redherring.com/
•Wired http://www.wired.com/
•ClickZ http://www.clickz.com/stats/
•Search Engine Watch http://searchenginewatch.com/
•Internet Statistics and Reports http://www.netcaucus.org/statistics/
•TÜİK http://www.tuik.gov.tr/
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