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ISL 121E - Introduction to Management Engineering and Ethics

Course Objectives

This course is an orientation course for the Management Engineering Program’s first year students. The first 8 weeks aim to inform the students on the general subject matter of Management Engineering; to differentiate the management issues from management engineering; to lay the basis of the courses they will take in the rest of the program and to link those with the design processes. The second half aims to introduce students with ethical responsibilities in professional life as engineers and inform students of possible conflicts in professional life.

Course Description

Students will have detailed information on the profession through lectures, invited speakers and projects. The design project will enable the students to develop their creativity, written and oral communication skills, and to experience teamwork. The course introduces Ethical values, Theories of ethics, Evaluation of the conformity of ethical decisions to societal norms, Ethical problems specific to management engineering profession.

Course Coordinator
Zeynep Erden Bayazıt
Course Language
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