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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish End. Müh.için Doğrusal Cebir
English Linear Algebra For Industrial Engineering
Course Code
END 210 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Cafer Erhan Bozdağ
Course Objectives I. To use a mathematically correct language and notation for the applications of Linear Algebra.
II. To develop computational proficiency involving procedures in Linear Algebra.
III. To understand the axiomatic structure of a modern mathematical subject and learn to construct simple proofs.
IV. To solve industrial engineering problems using Linear Algebra.
Course Description Linear Equations and Matrices: Linear systems of equations, matrices, matrix product, algebraic properties of matrix operations, special matrices (square, symmetric, orthogonal, triangular, diagonal, etc.); Solving Linear Systems: Echelon form of a matrix and its rank, solving linear systems, elementary matrices, matrix inverses, equivalent matrices; Determinants: Definition and properties of the determinant, cofactor expansion and finding the inverse of a matrix, applications of the determinant, Cramer’s rule; Real Vector Spaces: Vectors in two- and three-dimensional spaces, definition of a vector space, subspaces, spanning, linear independence, basis, dimension, orthonormalization (Gram-Schmidt process), projection matrix; Eigenvalues and eigenvectors: Diagonalization and the matrix power, positive definite and semi-definite matrices, the Singular Value Decomposition.
Course Outcomes I. Solve systems of linear equations using multiple methods and interpret their results.
II. Perform and interpret matrix operations, including inverses and determinants.
III. Demonstrate an understanding of vector spaces and subspaces.
IV. Demonstrate an understanding of linear independence, spanning sets, and bases.
V. Demonstrate and understanding of eigenvalues and eigenvectors and solve eigenvalue problems.
VI. Apply the principles of matrix algebra to linear transformations.
Pre-requisite(s) MAT 104 MIN DD or MAT 104E MIN DD
Required Facilities
Textbook Strang, G. (2005). Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 4th ed. USA: Cengage Learning.
Other References Lay, D.C. (2012). Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 4th ed. USA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Blanco-Silva, F.J. (2013). Learning SciPy for Numerical and Scientific Computing, Packt Publishing.
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