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ISL 363E - Human Resources Management

Course Objectives

To provide students with an understanding of the primary activities of HRM in organizations that concern making effective and efficient use of their employees in achieving their business objectives. In essence, this course aims at delivering the basic HRM concepts in order for the students to attain and to exhibit the necessary skills toward improving organizational performance, employee satisfaction and maintenance

Course Description

In today’s competitive business environment the skills necessary for preserving the balance between effective HRM applications, organizational performance and employee satisfaction applications have gained an increasing importance for attaining organizational sustainability and strategic goals. For this very reasons, in organizations all managers are required to assume HRM related roles regardless of their area of concentration. Hence, no matter what their career intentions are, students are urged to comprehend the value of HRM concepts for organizations for their future organizational roles.

With this in mind, instruction will be carried out through class discussions, case studies, instructor presentations aided with related external materials like newspaper articles and other visual material.

During the course of instruction, class participation will be encouraged as it is believed that participation feeds in curiosity resulting in an improved comprehension of the basic concepts, processes and issues covered in class.

Course Coordinator
İdil Vedia Evcimen
Course Language
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