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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Yöneylem Araştırması I
English Operation Research I
Course Code
END 331E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Hatice Tekiner Moğulkoç
Course Objectives This course aims to teach quantitative decision making, modeling philosophy and model building.
Course Description This course aims to teach quantitative decision making, modeling
philosophy and model building, the modeling concepts in production and
management, linear programming and Simplex algorithm, Big M and Two
Phase Simplex Methods, Revised Simplex method, Duality and economic
analysis, transportation models and their solution methods, introduction to
network models, and the use of Lindo, Excel Solver, OpenSolver for Excel,
and GAMS software for solving linear models
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will:
I. Formulate mathematical programs,
II. Solve a linear programming problem and comprehend the analysis of results,
III. Understand the sensitivity of a solution to the changes in parameters of a linear
IV. Use some computer software to model, solve and analyze a linear model,
V. Identify whether a solution is optimal or not,
VI. Solve and analyze transportation and assignment problems with some dedicated
VII. Recognize and succeed in modeling network flows.
Required Facilities
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