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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Deneysel Ekonomi
English Experimental Economics
Course Code
ECN 421E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Muhammed Abdullah Şahin
Course Objectives 1-) To learn experimental methods from business, and economics fields to answer research questions.
2-) To learn to test economic theories using laboratory and field experiments.
3-) To understand the statistical methods used in analyzing the outcomes of experiments
Course Description History of experimentation, experiment design, statistical analysis of experimental findings, experiments on individual decision making questions such as risk aversion and overconfidence, auctions, game theoretical questions, markets, oligopoly, learning direction theory and impulse balance equilibrium, imitation equilibrium, choice anomalies, policy analysis and institutional engineering, voluntary contributions.
Course Outcomes 1-) Skill to identify the difference of experimental methodology in business, economics and psychology fieds.
2-) To be able to design an experiment.
3-) Competency to comment on the statistical outcomes of an experiment.
4-) Ability to introduce different experimental approaches to different economic problems.
5-) Competency to identify the advantages and disadvantages of field experiments.
Pre-requisite(s) ECN 307E MIN DD
Required Facilities
Textbook Economics Lab: An Intensive Course in Experimental Economics, Alessandra Cassar, Dan Friedman
Other References 1-) Holt C. (2007) Markets Games and Strategic Behavior
2-) Davis and Holt (1993) Experimental Economics
3-) Kagel and Roth (1995) Handbook of Experimental Economics
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