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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Seamanship
English Gemicilik
Course Code
MTM 112 Credit Lecture
Semester 2
4 3 2 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Orhan Gönel
Course Objectives 1. To teach fundamental maritime knowledge.
2. To teach fundamental seamanship knowledge.
3. To give a basic knowledge about ship and ship equipment.
4. To teach knowledge of deck planned and periodical maintenance.
5. To make familiarization for Oil and Chemical, and Liqueified Tanker.
Course Description Duty and task of crew. Rules of sea life, working rules on board and on board working schedule. Type and classification of ship. Dimension of ship, tonnages and draft marks. Seamanship terminology, deck equipment/devices and aux-machinery. Sailor knots, type of ship’s ropes and dimensions. Preparation to the operation of pilot embarkation-disembarkation. Maneuvering orders. Deck planned maintenance and
painting works. Oil and Chemical, and Liqueified Tanker Familiarization.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
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