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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Pratik Denizcilik Uygulamaları
English Maritime Practical Studies (MPS)
Course Code
MTM 331 Credit Lecture
Semester 5
- 1 2 1
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Serdar Kum
Course Objectives 1. To teach practical study of passage planning by using bridge simulator.
2. To gain understanding on watchkeeping and collision avoidance.
3. To gain knowledge and practice on usage of electronic navigation equipment and ECDIS in planning of passage/voyage.
4. To gain skill on ship command by understanding of ship characteristics and maneuvering.
Course Description Passage planning and execution, watch keeping and collision avoidance practices. Practices of electronic navigation equipment in simulator. Navigation practices at different meteorological conditions and varios waterways. Fundamental knowledge and practices of ship manoeuvring (berthing-unberthing and anchorage) and effecting factors.
Course Outcomes 1. To teach practical study of passage planning by using bridge simulator.
2. To gain understanding on watchkeeping and collision avoidance.
3. To gain knowledge and practice on usage of electronic navigation equipment and ECDIS in planning of passage/voyage.
4. To gain skill on ship command by understanding of ship characteristics and maneuvering.
Required Facilities
Other Full Mission Bridge Simulator. Training ship or tug boat
Other References
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