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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Elektronik Seyir
English Electronic Navigation
Course Code
DUI 202E Credit Lecture
Semester 4
- 2 - 1
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Serdar Kum
Course Objectives 1. To get knowledge about the electronic equipment to use in navigation,
2. To teach the fundamental principles of those equipment,
3. To teach effective usage of those equipment for safe navigation.
Course Description The Gyro Compass; Steering control system, Auto-Pilot, Echo-Sounders. Speed logs and Doppler. Global Positioning System (GPS); Hyperbolic Navigation System. IMO performance standards for electronic navigation equipment on the bridge.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to;
I. Knowledge and skill to the principles and technical structure of electronic equipment,
II. Basic principles and their operation,
III. Assessment of data gathered from them and understand their limitations,
IV. Learning their effective usage for safe navigation and avoiding collision.
Required Facilities
Other Assign one of the electronic equipment (e.g. Gyro, echo sounder, speed log, GPS, DGPS, etc.)
Textbook 1. L. Tetley and D. Calcutt, Electronic Navigation Systems, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 3rd Ed., 2001.
2. Belirdi, N., Gemi Elektroniği, 2003.
3. IMO, Survey of Navigational Aids and Equipment, Model Course 3.08, 2004.
Other References
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