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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Denizel Çevre Kimyası
English Marine Environmental Chemistry
Course Code
DFH 281 Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Yasin Arslanoğlu
Course Objectives 1. To give general knowledge on chemical and physical properties of seawater.
2. To demonstrate the environmental effects of the chemical constituents of the seawater and their processes.
3. Provide practical knowledge on ship and shipyard sourced chemical pollution.
Course Description Components of seawater, chemical and physical properties. Dissolved oxygen and other gases in seawater. Trace elements. Carbon dioxide and carbonate systems. Climate change. Organic matter. pH and marine acidification. Nutrients in the ocean. Water quality. Wastewater treatment systems. Ship and shipyard sourced pollution. Antifouling paint pollution. Corrosion and its control. Oil pollution.
Course Outcomes
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