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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Gemi Elektrotekniği
English Marine Electrotechnics
Course Code
MST 241 Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Yasin Arslanoğlu
Course Objectives 1. To teach the basic concepts of electrotechnical systems.
2. To teach circuit elements and testing in electrotechnical systems.
3. To teach electrotechnical devices and circuits in ship machinery.
Course Description Electrotechnical theory. Electrical machines. Electrical supplies. Operation and maintenance of ship electrical equipment. Ship electrical drives controller systems. Ship electricity generation and distribution. High voltage technology. Measurement, testing and fault diagnosis of electrical cables and devices. Uninterruptible power supply structure and operation.
Course Outcomes Students who successfully complete this course;
I. Learns basic electrotechnical concepts and circuit elements.
II. Learns the working principle and testing of electrotechnical circuits.
III. Learns the electrotechnical systems in ship machinery.
IV. Solves the problems that may occur in electrotechnical systems in ship machinery.
Required Facilities
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