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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Maritime / GMI 118E - Gemi Makineleri İşletme Müh. Giriş ve Etik

GMI 118E - Intr. to Marine Eng.& Ethics

Course Objectives

1. To teach the importance of marine engineering in engineering disciplines.
2. To introduce the ship, marine engines and systems.
3. To define the duties, authorities and responsibilities of the marine engineer.
4. To teach the engineering ethics principles and canons and their importance.

Course Description

The engineering profession and the place of marine engineering in the field of engineering.Structure of the maritime industry and key maritime stakeholders. Classification and characteristics of merchant ships.Classification of marine engines and main functions on board ships. Competencies that a marine engineer must have. Duties, authorities and responsibilities of the marine engineer. Principles of engineering ethics principles and canons. Analysis of engineering ethicsprinciples and canons in terms of duties, authorities and responsibilities of marine engineers. The importance of engineering ethics principles and canons in ship engine room team management and leadership.

Course Coordinator
Burak Zincir
Course Language
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