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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Otomatik kontrol sistemleri
English Automatic Control Systems
Course Code
GMI 341E Credit Lecture
Semester -
- 2 - 1
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Tayfun Uyanık
Course Objectives 1. To teach the basic components of control systems
2. To teach the structure and simplification processes of the control system.
3. To teach control systems on ships.
4. To teach the structure and working logic of control systems on ships.
5. To teach the applications of today's control systems on ships.
Course Description 1. To teach the basic components of control systems
2. To teach the structure and simplification processes of the control system.
3. To teach control systems on ships.
4. To teach the structure and working logic of control systems on ships.
5. To teach the applications of today's control systems on ships.
Course Outcomes 1. To teach the basic components of control systems
2. To teach the structure and simplification processes of the control system.
3. To teach control systems on ships.
4. To teach the structure and working logic of control systems on ships.
5. To teach the applications of today's control systems on ships.
Required Facilities
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