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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Maritime / DFH 476 - Etkili İletişim

DFH 476 - Effective Communication

Course Objectives

1. To provide students with knowledge of how communication is achieved both interpersonally and in organizations.
2. To inform students about the types of communication.
3. To explain the main dynamics of communication to students in practice.
4. To raise awareness by explaining effective communication ways with examples

Course Description

Introduction to communication, concept and process of communication. Communication models. Interpersonal communication, internal communication, corporate communication, international communication. Communication and public relations. Mass media and their types. Media literacy. Feedback in communication. New communication technologies. Language, culture and communication. Communication and ethics.

Course Coordinator
Dilek Mürüvvet Görgüç
Dilek Mürüvvet Görgüç
Course Language
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