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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Termodinamik II
English Thermodynamics II
Course Code
TER 206 Credit Lecture
Semester 4
- 2 1 -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Mustafa Özdemir
Course Objectives 1. To teach the fundamentals of power cycles, gas mixtures and chemical reactions
2. To introduce fundamentals of thermal design of engineering systems,
3. To enhance the ability of analysis, application and communication in this field.
Course Description Gas power cycles. Vapor and combined power cycles. Cogeneration. Refrigeration cycles. Gas mixtures. Gas-vapor mixtures and air-conditioning. Chemical reactions. Chemical and phase equilibrium
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:
1. Learn the power cycles and their thermal analysis (a)
2. Design basic thermal engineering systems, (c)
3. Analyze, apply and communicate in this field, (e)
4. Apply thermodynamic laws in concerned area, (e)
Pre-requisite(s) TER 205 / TER 205E
Required Facilities
Textbook 1- Borgnakke C., Sonntag R.E, “Fundamentals of Thermodynamics”, International Student Version, 7th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, INC., 2009.
2- Çengel, Y. ve Boles, M., “Mühendislik Yaklaşımıyla Termodinamik”, (Çev. T. Derbentli), McGraw-Hill ve Literatür, İstanbul, 1996.
3- Çengel, Y. and Boles, M., “Thermodynamics, an Engineering Approach”,(Trans. T. Derbentli), McGraw-Hill and Literatür, İstanbul, 1996.
Other References Öztürk, A. ve Kılıç, A., “Çözümlü Problemlerle Termodinamik”, Çağlayan Kitabevi, 1998.
(Öztürk, A. and Kılıç, A., “Thermodynamics with Solved Problems”, Çağlayan Kitabevi, 1998.)
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