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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Bilgisayar Kontrollü Sistem Tasarımı
English Computer Controlled Sys. Desig
Course Code
MAK 4037E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Bülent Bölat
Course Objectives To teach students the basics of computer interfacing
2. To teach students how to design computer controlled systems
3. To develop team work and skills to design a project.
4. To provide students with theory and laboratory experience
Course Description Basic power electronics, digital input/output, analog/digital converters, data acquisition, basic
knowledge of microprocessors and PLCs, real-time control, machine vision.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:
I. Design data acquisition system and Computer interfacing,
II. Design and select components for a computer controlled system,
III. Work with industrial computer controlled systems
IV. Work as a team to design and realize a computer controlled system
Pre-requisite(s) BIL101E Int.to Comp., MAK331E System Dynamics and Control

Basicl Automatic Control Knowledge
Required Facilities Lab 1: Dijital Elektronik Devreler
Lab 2: Operasyonel Kuvvetlendiriciler ve Filtreler
Lab 3: Matlab Kullanarak Veri Toplama
Lab 4: Labview Kullanarak Veri Toplama
Lab 5: PIC ve PLC Programlama
Other Matlab and Labview programming
Textbook 1. G.Smith, Computer Interfacing, Newnes, Great Britain, 2000
2. Y.Tsividis, A First Lab in Circuits and Electronics, J. Wiley, c2002
Other References 1. P.Bergsman, Controlling The World With Your PC, LLH Technology Publishing, 1994.
2. S.E.Lyshevski, Electromechanical Systems, Electric Machines and Applied Mechatronics, CRC Press, N.W.,2000.
3. J.Webb, K. Greshock, Industrial Control Electronics, Prentice Hall, N.J.,1993.
4. S.Kurtulan, PLC ile Endüstriyel Otomasyon, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2001.
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