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Week Date Subjects
1 Oct.19-22 Plasticity in Normal Load, Torsion And Bending. Residual Stresses. Practices.
2 Oct.26-29
The Republic Day Fracture Hypothesis. Bending with Shear. Stress Calculation in Symmetric Cross
Sections. Practices
3 Nov.2-5 Principal Stresses in Bending with Shear. Strain. Combined Beams. Practices
4 Nov.9-12 Shear Center. Shear Stress and Shear Center Analysis in Open and Closed Tube
Cross Sections.
5 Nov.16-19 Elastic Curve. Definition And Idealizations. Integration Method. Practices. Solution
With Singular Functions. Initial Values Method. Practices
6 Nov.23-26 Mohr Method and Superposition Method. Practices.
7 Nov.30- Dec.3 Effect Of Shear Force to Elastic Curve. General Case in Elastic Curve. Practices.
8 Dec.7-10 Normal Force + Bending Moment. Eccentric Normal Force. Core. Tensionless Material. Practices. Second Order Theory.
9 Dec.14-17 Bending With Torsion.
10 Dec.21-24 Energy Theorems. Work of internal and external Loads. Virtual Work. Virtual Work
Theorem. Virtual Work Equation. Practices.
11 Dec.28-31 Castigliano Theorems. Practices. Principles Of Minimum Work. Practices
12 Jan.4-7 Solution of Hyperstatic Problems. Approximate Methods.
13 Jan.11-14 Buckling. Introduction. Euler Cases. Elasto – Plastic Buckling. Practices.
14 Jan.18-21 Omega Method. Energy Methods in Buckling. Practices. |