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Course Information

Course Name
Course Code
IML 325E Credit Lecture
Semester 6
- 2 - 1
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Bülent Bölat
Bülent Bölat
Course Objectives 1. Teaching logical steps of experimental work with applications: conceptualization, planning, application, data acquisition and analysis, presentation,
2. Developing skills in team studies,
3. Teaching principles of operation, calibration techniques and application guidelines for basic measurement equipment,
4. Teaching sensitivity, resolution, error, uncertainty, precision, accuracy and acceptance tolerance concepts in measurements and their applications in experiment design and data analysis.
Course Description Basic concepts in measurement. Uncertainty and statistical analysis of experimental data. Basic electrical
measurements and sensors. Data acquisition and signal processing. Methods and sensors for displacement, area,
pressure, flow, temperature, force, strain, and vibration measurements.
Course Outcomes Students who successfully complete the course will be able to:
(Note: The letter(s) in parentheses addresses the relevant program outcome(s):
1. Learn basic concepts in measurement and dynamics of measurement, (a)
2. Gain about uncertainty and statistical analysis in mesaruments, (a)
3. Learn acceptance tolerance concept in engineering applications,
4. Gain knowledge and skills required for using experimental methods, data analysis techniques, (b)
5. Contribute efficiently in team work, (d)
6. Attain knowledge about recent measurement methods and data analysis techniques as well as
conventional methods,
7. Attain the skill of analyze and present experiment results. (g)
Pre-requisite(s) (MUK 209 MIN DD veya MUK 209E MIN DD veya MUK 205 MIN DD veya MUK 205E MIN DDveya MEK 205 MIN DD veya
MEK 205E MIN DD veya MEK 207 MIN DD
veya MEK 207E MIN DD) ve
(TER 205 MIN DD veya TER 205E MIN DD veya MAK 212 MIN DD veya MAK 212E MIN DD veya MAK 216 MIN DD veya
MAK 216E MIN DD veya MAK 218 MIN DD veya MAK 218E MIN DD)
Required Facilities All of the experiments listed below will be conducted and reported.
1. Measurement of basic electrical quantities and deriving potentiometer characteristics.
2. Data acquisition and signal processing.
3. Force, torque, stress and strain measurements.
4. Vibration and sound measurements and frequency analysis.
5. Pressure measurements and calibration.
6. Flow measurements and calibration
7. Temperature measurements and calibration.
8. Thermal radiation measurements.
Other During assignments and lab experiments, students will be encouraged to use computer for calculations, graphical presentations, data acquisition and analysis and also for equipment selection from electronic catalogs.
Textbook Experimental Methods for Engineers, J. P. Holman, Fifth Ed., McGraw-Hill, 1989.
Other References 1.O. F. Genceli, “Ölçme Tekniği”, Birsen Yayınevi, 1995
2.E. O. Doebelin, “Measurement Systems: Application and Design”, Fourth Ed., McGraw- Hill, 1990
3.T. G. Beckwith, R. D. Marangoni, and J. H. Lienhard, “Mechanical Measurements” 5th ed. (Addison-Wesley, 1993).
4.R. S. Figliola, D. E. Beasley, “Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements” 2 nd Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 1995.
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