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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Sayısal Yöntemler
English Numerical Methods
Course Code
MAK 202E Credit Lecture
Semester 2
- 2 1 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Alper Tolga Çalık
Hikmet Arslan
Course Objectives 1. Understand the numerical methods (implications of digital number representation and digital arithmetic) and learn the numerical methods for computational science and engineering applications.
2. Get skill how numerical methods can be applied for the solutions of a wide range problems in science and engineering problems.
Course Description Introduction to Numerical Methods: Taylor series, numerical error. Solutions of a single non-linear equation: Bisection Method, Newton-Raphson and Secant Methods. Solutions of system of non-linear equations. Numerical solutions of systems of linear equations (Direct and Iterative Methods). Interpolation. Curve Fitting. Numerical Differentiation and Integration. Finite-difference solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations.
Course Outcomes 1.Develop stable and accurate solution algorithms for a given problem and perform error analysis of the found results.
2.Solution of linear and non-linear equation and equation systems with various methods.
3.Application of various interpolation and curve fitting methods in the solution of engineering problems.
4.Application of numerical differentiation and integration methods in the solution of various engineering problems.
5.Understand engineering problems expressed by ODEs and solution of these problems using numerical solution methods.
Pre-requisite(s) MAT 102 MIN DD
veya/or MAT 102E MIN DD
veya/or MAT 104 MIN DD
veya/or MAT 104E MIN DD
Required Facilities Calculator
Other • Calculator must be brought along at the lectures and exams.
• Quizzes will be spontaneous.
• Final exam qualification: Minimum 70% course attendance and Minimum 45 Midterm raw average.
• Students who did not enter Final Exam will definitely have a final grade FF.
• Students have a course raw final grade less than 50/100 will definitely have a final grade FF.
• Course raw final grade must be minimum 85/100 to mark final grade to be AA.
• Course announcements will be declared to the students in electronic form
(http://www.ninova.itu.edu.tr) and online.itu.edu.tr
Textbook Steven C. Chapra, Raymond P. Canale
Numerical Methods For Engineers, Sixth Edition,
McGraw-Hill, International Edition 2010, ISBN 978-007-126759-5
Other References 1. James F. Epperson
An Introduction to Numerical Methods and Analyses,
John Wiley and Sons, 2002, ISBN 0471316474

2. R. L. Burden, C. D. Faires
Numerical Analysis, 7th Ed.,
ITP, 2001

3. J. H. Mathews,
Numerical Methods for Mathematics, Science and Engineering, 2nd Edition,
Prentice Hall Int. Editions, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1992
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