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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Makina Teorisi
English Theory of Machines
Course Code
MAK 322E Credit Lecture
Semester 2
4 3 2 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Erdinç Altuğ
Course Objectives • To Introduce the approaches and mathematical models used in kinematic and dynamic analysis of machinery.
• To give basic knowledge on kinematic and dynamic design of machinery.
Course Description Mechanisms, kinematic diagrams, kinematic chains and mobility. Some basic mechanisms. Kinematic analysis and synthesis of mechanisms. Review of some fundamental principles of mechanics. Static balance of machinery. Machine equation of motion and its implementation. Speed fluctuations and flywheel calculation. Force analysis in machinery. Shaking forces and mass balance. Balancing of rigid rotors. Mechanical Vibrations.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
Textbook Design of machinery: an introduction to the synthesis and analysis of mechanisms and machines, R. L. Norton, McGraw-Hill, 2004.
Other References • Theory of Mechanisms, J.E. Shigley ve J.J. Uicker, Jr., McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2nd ed., 1995.
• Mechanics of Machines, S. Doughty, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 3rd ed., 1988.
• Makina Dinamiği, F. Pasin, İTÜ Makina Fakültesi, Birsen yayınları, 1994.
• An Introduction to Mechanical Vibrations, R.F. Steidel, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 3rd ed., 1989.
• Makina Teorisi - Mekanizmalar ve Makina Dinamiği, Ö. Turhan, Nobel Yayın dağıtım, 2012.
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