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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Makina Elemanları I
Course Code
MAK 341 Credit Lecture
Semester 5
4 3 2 -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Zeynep Parlar
Course Objectives 1.To introduce the analysis phase and machine elements in mechanical design.
2. To develop mathematical models for functional analysis and stress calculation of machine elements by using engineering sciences. By using the available experimental models determine the input and output values of the machine system elements.
3. To use the standards and design criteria.
Course Description Mechanical engineering design activity and importance of machine elements knowledge in this activity. Fundamentals of design and a
pplications of machine elements. Welded, soldered, adhesive bonded, riveted joints. Shaft-hub connections. Bolted joints and power
screw mechanisms. Pins, knuckles, springs, shafts and axles, coupling and clutches, lubricants and lubrication theory, sliding and rolling bearings.
Course Outcomes Students will be able to:
I.Calculate and design welded, soldered, adhesive bonded and riveted joints. (c,e)
II.Calculate and design shaft-to-hub connections, pin joints, according to their standards.
Pre-requisite(s) RES 105 and MUK205 and MAL 201
Required Facilities cn
Other cn
Textbook Course notes
Other References • L. Ulukan “Yağlama Tekniği”, İTÜ Matbaası, 1978.
• L. Ulukan, “Çözülebilen Kavramalar ve Dengeleme Kavramaları”, İTÜ Matbaası, 1971.
• M. GEDİKTAŞ, V. TEMİZ, İ.M. PALABIYIK, ve Z. PARLAR, “Makina Elemanları Problemleri”, Çağlayan Kitabevi, 1999.
• F.C. Babalık, “Makina Elemanları ve Konstrüksiyon Örnekleri”, Dora Yay. Bursa, 2009.
• M.Akkurt, “Makina Elemanları Birinci Cilt” Birsen Yayınevi, 1997.
• M.Akkurt, “Makina Elemanları Üçüncü Cilt” Birsen Yayınevi, 1998.
• A. Bozacı, İ. Koçaş, Ö.Ü. Çolak, “Makina Elemanlarının Projelendirilmesi”, Çağlayan Kitabevi, 2001.
• R.L. Norton, “Machine Design An Integrated Approach”, Prentice Hall, 2000.
• R.C. Juvinall, K. Marshek, “Fundamentals of Machine Component Design” John Wiley & Sons, 2000.
• C.R. Mischke, J.E. Shigley, “Mechanical Engineering Design” McGraw-Hill, 2000.
• Haberhauer, H., Bodenstein, F., “Maschinenelemente”, 14. Auflage, Springer, 2007
• Khurmi, R.S., Gupta, J.K., A Textbook of Machine Design, Euroasia Pub., 2010
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