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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Akışkanlar Mekaniği I
English Fluid Mechanics I
Course Code
AKM 208 Credit Lecture
Semester 4
- 2 1 -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Erkan Ayder
Erkan Ayder
Course Objectives 1.To introduce the basic principles of fluid mechanics
2.To be able to define, formulate and simplify the equations of fluid flow and gain ability
to use them for the solution of fluid flow problems
Course Description Basic concepts and definitions. Fluid kinematics. Fluid statics. Manometers and
pressure measurements. Hydrostatic forces on immersed bodies. Solid body translation
and rotation. Equations of conservation of mass, momentum and energy for systems
and control volumes, Bernoulli equation and its applications. Navier-Stokes equations
and its applications. Stream function and flow potential. Dimensional analysis and
Course Outcomes Successful participants of the course are intended to gain ;
1. A knowledge of fluid concept, and similarities and differences between fluids and
gases, Ability to solve problems involving viscosity, surface tension, water vapor
2. Ability to calculate hydrostatic forces, moments and point of action on submerged
3. Ability to classify flows as uniform/nonuniform, steady/unsteady,
compressible/incompressible, laminar/turbulent,
4. Ability to calculate mass flow rate, volumetric flow rate and mean velocity in a
5. A knowledge about pressure, velocity and mass flow rate measurement techniques
6. Ability to use control volume concept and Reynolds transport theorem to calculate
fluid forces and moments acting on static or moving vanes, nozzles, bends, rotating
7. Ability to apply dimensional analysis, similarity and modeling laws to fluid flow
Pre-requisite(s) MAT 201E ve BIL 104E
(MAT 201E and BIL 104E)
Required Facilities
Textbook F. M. White (Çev. Kadir Kırkköprü, Erkan Ayder, 2004), 1999, Fluid Mechanics, 4th Edition, Literatür Kitabevi.
Other References 1-B.R. Munson, D.F. Young and T. H. Okiishi, 2006, Fundamentals of Fluid
Mechanics, 5th Edition, J. Wiley and Sons.
2- V.L. Streeter, E.B. Wylie, 1983, Fluid Mechanics, McGraw
3-J.H. Shames, 1992, Mechanics of Fluids, Mc Graw Hill.
4-Çengel, Y., Cimbala, C (Çev. Ed. Tahsin Engin, 2008), 2007, Fluid
Mechanics,1st Edition, Güven Kitabev
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