MAK 402 - Mechanical Engineering Lab. II
Course Objectives
1. Providing students with hands-on laboratory experience involving mechanical engineering
science and engineering design information they have earned,
2. Accommodaing students with the ability of and experience in designing experiments,
performing experimental analysis and data evaluation for engineering systems,
3. Making it possible for students to use modern engineering tools and methods in experimental
data analysis,
4. Allowing students to communicate effectively using oral and written presentations,
5. Working in the laboratory by caring health, safety and environmental issues.
Course Description
System experiments on basic fields of mechanical engineering. Realizing pre-designed experiments in groups, concerning thermal systems, hydraulic systems, automotive systems, mechanical vibrations and
acoustics, controls, manufacturing, and strength of materials, analysis of experimental data and presentation of results in written reports.
Course Coordinator
İsmail Yalçın Uralcan
İsmail Yalçın Uralcan
Course Language