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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Genel Jeoloji
English General Geology
Course Code
JEO 117 Credit Lecture
Semester -
- 2 - 1
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Cengiz Zabcı
Course Objectives The main aim of this course is to develop an understanding on basic concepts of geology and the main physical and chemical properties of the earth for our students. We target to provide the general geological background for the most basic courses of the ITU - Geological Engineering’s undergraduate programme.
Course Description General Geology is an introductory course on understanding the earth, its materials, structures and major processes. The main goal is to teach the main principals and basic concepts of geology to first grade students of ITU Department of Geological Engineering. Topics include the short history of geology, rocks and minerals, the internal and external processes acting upon the earth and the structures that are developed under these forces. Successful students are supposed to gain basic understanding and skills of interpreting the earth and its processes.
Course Outcomes I. The concept of science, the basic philosophy and brief history of geological sciences
II. The main elements of the earth: Minerals and rocks
III. Basic geological principles: The art of spatial and temporal correlation between rock bodies
IV. Internal earth processes: Deformation and related structures, Plate tectonics
V. External earth processes
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