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1 Introduction: What is stratigraphy? Overview of concepts dealing with Geological time. 1, 4-5
2 Stratigraphic data: Sedimentary rock classification and description (grain size, particle shape, color, fabric); Sedimentary structures as indicator of younging directions, sedimentary structures as indicators of paleoenvironments. 1, 4-5
3 Lithostratigraphy, Lecture 1: Types of lithostratigraphic units, Stratigraphic contacts, Unconformities, Vertical and lateral successions, Cycles, Sedimentary facies, Walther’s law, Transgressions and regressions, Preservation of stratigraphic records, Gaps in the record. 1-2, 4-5
4 Lithostratigraphy, Lecture 2: Types of correlation, Lithocorrelation, Time correlation, Punctuated aggradational cycles, Event stratigraphy, Usage of cycles for time determinations and correlations (First to forth-order cycles), Geologically instantaneous events. 1-5
5 Time, time-rock, and rock unit, Geologic time scale, Formal and informal lithostratigraphic units. 1-5
6 Stratigraphic methods: Stratigraphic columns, Stratigraphic cross section and fence diagrams, Stratigraphic maps, Basin analysis. 1-5
7 Biostratigraphy, Lecture 1: Biostratigraphic concepts, Evolution and paleoecology, Biogeographic provinces, Immigration and emigration of fossils, Biostratigraphic zonation (interval zones, assemblage zones, abundance zones) 1-5
8 Biostratigraphy, Lecture 2: Biostratigraphic events (evolution, changes of species through time, rates of evolution, mass extinctions), Dispersal of organism, Index fossils, Quantitative biostratigraphy (Shaw’s and Hay’s methods) 1-5
9 Geophysical and geochemical correlation: Well logging, Stable isotope stratigraphy (oxygen isotopes, carbon isotopes, strontium isotopes) 1-5
10 Seismic stratigraphy: Reflection of seismic waves, Recording of seismic waves (common-depth-point method) 1-5
11 Sequence stratigraphy: Basic units, Sequence and their relationships, Concept of accommodation, Depositional system track, Parasequences. 2-3
12 Geochronology: Radioactive decay, Potassium/argon (K-Ar) method, Argon/argon (Ar/Ar) method (step heating and plateau ages), Rubidium/strontium (Rb-Sr) method and isochrones, Uranium/lead (U-Pb) method and concordia plot. 1-5
13 Chronostratigraphy: Integrated correlation, Resolution and precision, Local scale, Continental scale, Global scale. 1-5
14 Stratigraphic codes: North American Stratigraphic code, International stratigraphic guide. 2-3 |