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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Çimento Hammaddeleri ve Teknolojisi
English Cement Raw Materials & Tech.
Course Code
CHZ 434E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Fırat Burat
Course Objectives 1. To provide the learning of cement industry of Turkey,
2. To provide the using of cement raw materials and additives for the cement industry in Turkey
3. To create the base and acknowledgement for the cement raw materials in Turkey,
4. To create the base and acknowledgement for the cement technology in Turkey
Course Description Cement Industry and its history, Backbones of Concrete structure, Cement types and their area of usage, Cement norms, Cement raw materials, Cement additive materials, Parameters of cement combination, Cement technology, Cement kilns, Cement mills, Energy consumption, The cost of cement production, Research and Development on cement technology and cement laboratories
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
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