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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Kuyu Logları I
English Well Logging I
Course Code
PET 415E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Mustafa Hakan Özyurtkan
Course Objectives The main objective of the course is to acquaint students how to analyse well logs to extract information necessary for drilling, production and reservoir engineering activities.
Course Description Fundamental concepts, investigation of the near wellbore, electrical properties of underground rocks, SP log, normal and lateral logs, laterologs, dual laterolog, induction logs, dual induction log, microresistivity logs, conventional interpretation techniques.
Course Outcomes I- to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering in well logging,
II- to identify and interpret well logging tools,
III- to analyze and interpret data in well logging,
IV- a knowledge of contemporary issues,
V- understanding of life-long learning.
Required Facilities
Textbook 1. Bassiouni, Z., Theory, Measurement and Interpretation of Well Logs, SPE Textbook Series, Vol. 4, Richardson, Texas, USA, 1994.
2. Log Interpretation Charts, Schlumberger Co., Houston, Texas, USA,1998.
Other References 1. Serra, O., Fundamentals of Well Log Interpretation, Elsevier, N.Y., USA,1986.
2. Log Interpretation Principles/Applications, Schlumberger Co., Houston, Texas, USA, 1989.
3. Well Logging and Interpretation Techniques: The Course for Home
Study, Dresser Atlas Co., USA, 1984.
4. www.onepetro.org
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