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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Science and Letters / MAT 232E - Diferansiyel Denklemler

MAT 232E - Differential Equations

Course Objectives

1. To introduce the basic concepts required to understand, construct, solve and interpret differential equations.
2. To teach methods to solve differential equations of various types.
3. To give an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics on engineering problems.

Course Description

Classification of Differential Equations, First order equations; linear equations, separable equations, change of variable and integrating factor, existence and uniqueness theorems, applications. Second order linear equations; linear equations with constant coeficients, Homogeneous equations, the method of reduction of order, Nonhomogeneous Equations, the method of undetermined coefficients, the method of variation of parameters, Higher order linear equations. Euler- Cauchy equation. Power series method; solution around ordinary and regular-singular points. Laplace transformation; basic definition and theorems, solution of initial value problems, convolution, delta function, transfer function. Systems of linear differential equations; fundamental theories, solutions of homogeneous and nonhomogeneous system of differantial equations, solutions using Laplace transformation.

Course Coordinator
Eti Mizrahi
Course Language
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