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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Temel Bilimlerde Veri Analizi
English Data Analysis in Fund.Sciences
Course Code
MAT 388E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 - - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Atabey Kaygun
Atabey Kaygun
Course Objectives To teach undergraduate mathematics majors how to use fundamental machine learning and statistical models in prediction problems based on data, interpreting the results of the machine learning and statistical models they are going to develop, writing analytical reports helping decision making processes.
Course Description Best practices in data analysis. Basic R. Basic python. Basic statistics. Univariate and multivariate data problems. Boolean decision problems. Discrete Decision problems. Unsupervised clustering models. Neural network models.
Course Outcomes A student who finished this course successfully will
I. gain a basic understanding of main problems in data analysis,
II. gain an operational knowledge on how to use basic tools of statistics and
machine learning in data analysis problems
III. learn how to write simple analytical reports on the machine learning and
statistical models they develop in this class.
Required Facilities
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