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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish İleri Düzey Bilimsel Hesaplama
English Adv.Scientific &Eng.Computing
Course Code
MAT 116E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 2 - 2
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ali Demirci
Course Objectives To teach mathematics majors about advance concepts of scientific computing to prepare them for courses they are going to take in which they need to write programs to perform calculations.
Course Description Introduction to Scientific and Engineering Computing, Introduction to Program Computing Environment, Variables, Operations and Simple Plot, Algorithms and Logic Operators, Errors and Source of Errors, Functions,
Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, a mathematics engineering student will
I. gain a simple understanding of what programming and object oriented programming are,
II. be able to write simple python programs, use and import external modules and libraries, and debug and test python code they wrote,
III. be ready to take courses in which they must write simple programs to perform calculations such as data structures and algorithms courses, or numerical analysis courses
Required Facilities
Textbook William J. Palm, 2005, Introduction to Matlab 7 for Engineers, Mc Graw Hill.
Other References
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