HYM 502E - Aircraft Structures & Materials
Course Objectives
• Understand general design concepts for aircraft structures: vehicles, components, and materials;
• Develop the analysis tools and skills needed to analyse the static and dynamic performance of aero structures;
• To provide some of the essential design and structural assessment techniques for the development of aircraft structures;
• Gain experience identifying, formulating, and solving aircraft structural engineering problems;
• Describe the likely performance of classes of aircraft materials in the context of specific applications;
• Use descriptors of strength, stress, and strain, and stress-strain relations in the context of aircraft materials and applications;
• Describe methods of processing aircraft materials particularly joining issues and propose suitable routes for selected applications.
Course Description
Materials, Manufacturing and Lightweight Design concepts in Aerospace structures; Load-bearing systems; Trusses and Space Frames;; Fasteners & Joints; Fastener types and selection; Fibre reinforced composite materials; Morphing Structures; Impact Mechanics; Practical Stress Analysis and FEA Applications; Stress Concentration Factor; Factor of Safety; Modal Analysis.
Course Coordinator
Hülya Cebeci
Melih Fidanoğlu
Course Language