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ITB 214E - The Modern Middle East

Course Objectives

1. introducing the students to the main historical processes in the modern Middle East since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire until the present.
2. providing the students with the basic information about the geography and history of the region needed to understand contemporary conditions and events.
3. introducing the student to the social and cultural richness and diversity of the region and its peoples.
4. Equipping the students with the knowledge of general characteristics and problems in the region with reference to specific countries.
5. To develop the ability to read and understand texts, make research and write

Course Description

Introduction to the Middle East: The Land and the Peoples; Methodological Problems in Studying the Middle East; The Ottoman Rule and Legacy in the Arab Lands; Western Influence and the beginning of the modern era in the Middle East; Transformation of the Muslim-Religious identity into national identities: Ottomanism, Islamism, and Turkism; The creation of the modern state system in the Middle East: Fall of the Ottoman Empire, Arab nationalism; New Order in the Middle East After the World War II: Nation-States and Hegemonic Powers Egypt: Pan-Arabism and territorial nationalism; Syria and Iraq: Baath Party and the advent of the civil war; Iran: From monarchy to Revolution; Israel and Palestine: One land two religions-peoples; Turkey: A secular state in a Muslim country and a Modern Society; The Arab Spring: Promise and Failure; The Middle East in the 21st century: Continuities and ruptures

Course Coordinator
Ebubekir Ceylan
Course Language
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