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Index notation and summation convention, vector and tensor operations
Transformation between coordinate systems, operators in cylindrical coordinates, Infinitesimal deformation, deformation tensors
Deformation tensors, stretch, length, angle and volume changes
Strain invariants, Principal strains and directions, some examples of deformation
Kinematics of a continuum: material and spatial description, material derivative, velocity, acceleration,
rate of deformation and spin tensors, kinematics of volume integral
Stress, stress vector, stress tensor, principal stresses, maximum shear stress, Some integral theorems.
Compatibility conditions, Conservation of mass, momentum, moment of momentum and energy,
Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensors, equation of motion and energy equation in material coordinates
Entropy inequality, Constitutive equations: Elastic solid, linear isotropic elastic solid
Navier equations of motion for elastic medium, Navier equation in cylindrical coordinates
Simple extension, Torsion of a cylinder. Plane elastic waves, vibration of an infinite plate
Constitutive Equation for elastic medium under large deformation, Simple extension of incompressible isotropic solid, Torsion and tension of an incompressible isotropic solid cylinder.
Constitutive equations for fluids; Compressible and incompressible fluids, equation of hydrostatics, Newtonian viscous fluids, Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible fluids
Navier-Stokes equations in cylindrical coordinates, pathline, streamline, steady, unsteady, laminar and turbulent flow, Plane Coutte flow, plane Poiseuille flow.
Hegan-Poiseulle flow, Coutte flow, Steady laminar flow of a Newtonian fluid in thin elastic tube. |