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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Biyokimya I Laboratuar
English Biochemistry I Lab.
Course Code
BIO 315EL Credit Lecture
Semester 5
3 - - 3
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Nevin Gül Karagüler
Course Objectives The aims of this course are; to provide students with practical knowledge and hands-on experience with some of the most common experimental methods used in biochemistry and also to introduce students to the fundamentals of scientific writing.
Methods include reagent preparation, proper use of instrumentation, biochemical analysis and utilizing computers to analyze and present data. Laboratory safety is also emphasized in the first week of the laboratory.
Course Description This course is designed to provide an experience in working with biological molecules named as; proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:
I. Preparation of buffer solution in biochemistry
II. Define the chemical formula of basic biological molecules (protein, carbohydrate, lipid and nucleic acids)
III. Understand the physical and chemical properties of biological molecules
IV. Understand the relation between structure and function of biomolecules
Pre-requisite(s) BIO 211E MIN DD or BIO 207EL MIN CC
Required Facilities
Other References
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