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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Fiziksel Kimya II
English Physical Chemistry II
Course Code
KIM 312E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Orhan Güney
Course Objectives 1.To provide the concepts of kinetic theory of gases, Maxwell velocity distribution, number of collisions, mean free path.
2.To provide Reaction rate, fundamental reactions, complex reactions. Reaction mechanism, Reaction order. Radical reactions and chain reactions, Rate theories, Collision Theory, Activated complex theory concepts.
3. To provide Liquid phase reactions, diffusion controlled reactions, complex reactions, polymerization. Enzyme catalysis concepts.
4.To provide Photochemistry, fluorescence phosphorescence, quenching, photochemical reactions concepts.
Course Description Kinetic theory of gases, Maxwell velocity distribution, Mean free path, Number of collisions, Collisions with a wall, Effusion, Transport properties, Diffusion, Viscosity, Flow rate of liquids.
Gas phase reactions, Reaction rate, Fundamental reactions, Complex reactions, Reaction mechanism, Reaction order, Radical reactions, Chain reactions, Rate theories, Collision Theory, Activated complex theory.
Liquid phase reactions, Diffusion controlled reactions, Fast reactions, Polymerization, Enzyme catalysed reactions.
Photochemistry, Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, Quenching, Photochemical reactions.
Adsorption, Langmuir, Freundlich, BET isothers
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:
I. Compute Maxwell velocity distribution, mean free path, number of collisions, transport properties.
II. Compute the rates of fundamental reactions, complex reactions. Understand the reaction mechanisms, reaction order, radical reactions and chain reactions,
III.To understand the liquid phase reactions, diffusion controlled reactions, fast reactions, polymerization, Enzyme catalysis,
IV. To understand photochemistry, fluorescence phosphorescence, quenching, photochemical reactions.
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