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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Fizikte Deneysel Yöntemler Laboratuvarı
English Methods of Exp. Physics Lab.
Course Code
FIZ 374EL Credit Lecture
Semester -
1 - - 2
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Aytekin Tüblek
Course Objectives 1. To teach the analysis and the reporting the experimental data
2. To teach the design an amplifier for a signal from a sensor
3. To teach to choose a filter to decrease the effect of noise
4. To teach the basic data acquisition and control the experimental setup via computers
5. To teach the data recovery from noise using modulation techniques
Course Description Analysis of the error in different types of experimental data (electronic, optical, acoustic, etc.) acquired through different methods and data acquisition techniques with computer, sensors and detectors, noise and dealing with noise sources, grounding, filtering, design of experiments and related circuits, lock in amplifiers.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
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