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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Organik Kimya II
English Organic Chemistry II
Course Code
KIM 304E Credit Lecture
Semester 4
2 2 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Okan Sirkecioğlu
Course Objectives 1.Overview of natural compounds and stereochemistry, to provide the synthesis and analysis and importance of amines in molecular biology and genetic.
2.To provide the synthesis and analysis of polymers , biopolymers.
3.To provide the aromatic and radicalic reactions that realized especially in
nature being the ones of the basic organic mechanisms
4.To provide and present of the synthesis and reactions of carbohydrates
5.To give the ability to synthese and analyze of the natural molecules
Course Description Stereochemistry, Amines, polymers, aromatic compounds, radicals, macromolecules, amino acids, peptides and proteins, carbonhydrates,lipids, composition of natural compounds.
Course Outcomes Student, who passed the course satisfactorily can:
1. To have the knowledge about the importance of three dimensional reaction
mechanisms in molecular biology and genetic
2. To have the knowledge about amines and aromatic compounds and to gain
practical applications about their biological importance
3. To have the knowledge about the synthesis and reactions of radicals
4. To gain practical knowledge about application of radicals
5. To have the knowledge about the importance of amino acids and proteins
in nature explaining basic examples and to have the ability of strategy to
synthese and analyze of amino acids and proteins
6. To have the knowledge about carbonhydrates, to be able to control the
related reactions
7. To understand the relations and the cycles of natural compounds, to employ
the gained knowledge to the advantage of nature, to analyze the natural
compound and by means of the knowledge obtained, to plan a strategy to
synthese of the nature
Required Facilities
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