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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Genel Kimya I
English General Chemistry
Course Code
KIM 111 Credit Lecture
Semester 1
4 4 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Makbule Koçak
Course Objectives 1. Intruduction of basic chemical knowledge about different disciplines of chemistry to the students.
2. As well as giving knowledge, development of problem-solving abilities.
3. The course satisfies the natural science and technology knowledge explorations area of the general education curriculum.
Course Description Significant figures, stochiometry, chemical formulas and equations, structure of the atom, the atomic theory and the periodic table, chemical bonding, molecular structure and hybridization, gases and theory of gases, liquids and solids, solutions, properties of solutions, thermochemistry, chemical kinetics.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to;
1. Identify and apply about properties and measurements of the matter, significant figures atomic theories,
2. Make calculations with using stochiometry in chemical reactions, and naming compounds
3. Solve different problems about liquid solutions and gases,
4. Make applications about heat, work, enthalpy and internal energy,
5. Electronic structure of atom and related theories and useful relationships from the periodic table,
6. Set up the three dimensional shape of molecular compounds with using their chemical bonding knowledge and some other bond theories, describing the molecular structure.
7. Get knowledge about, intermolecular forces, liquids, the crystal structures of solids and skills to solve related problems.
8. Solve problems about chemical kinetics.
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