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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Organik Kimya Lab.
English Organic Chemistry Lab.
Course Code
KIM 104L Credit Lecture
Semester 4
1 - - 2
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Okan Sirkecioğlu
Course Objectives 1.To teach the basic methods and principles of organic chemistry lab.
2.To improve the ability of organic chemistry lab. and to decide critical
3.To give the importance of organic chemistry lab. on the industrial.
Course Description Crystallization, distillation, extraction, chromatography, cannizzaro reaction, aldol condensation, polimerization, esterification.
Course Outcomes Student, who passed the course satisfactorily can:
1. To learn the basic methods and principles of organic chemistry.
2. To apply the basic concepts in the laboratory.
3. To apply the theoretical and practical knowledge together.
4. To improve the ability of the students to overcome the problems met during the organic chemistry lab.
5. To apply the theoretical knowledge at laboratory to make production
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