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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Kozmetik Kimyası
English Cosmetic Chemistry
Course Code
KIM 319E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 - - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ayşe Özdemir
Course Objectives 1. To give the basic organic chemistry knowledge for cosmetic industry.
2. To classify cosmetic products according to their application methods, and to give basic knowledge about their ingredients and their use.
3. To give a comprehensive overview of all aspects of the science and technology associated with cosmetic chemistry.
Course Description Introduction to Cosmetic Chemistry, raw materials used in cosmetic products, fragrence and color in cosmetics and classification of cosmetic products according to their application methods: skin products, hair products, bath products, aerosols, manufacturing and packaging.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to;
I. Have basic organic chemistry knowledge for cosmetic industry.
II. Have knowledge about the coloring materials used in cosmetic products.
III. Have knowledge about fragrenced materials used in cosmetic products and their formulations.
IV. Have knowledge about skin and skin products ingredients and their formulations (like creams, sun products and anti-aging products).
V. Have knowledge about hair and hair products ingredients and their formulations (like shampoos, hair conditioners, hair dyes, hair sprays..)
VI. Have knowledge about bath products, deodorants and anti-perspirants, decorative cosmetics.
VII. Have a basic knowledge about manufacture and packaging.
VIII. Integrate their cosmetic chemistry knowledge to their daily life in use of cosmetics.
Pre-requisite(s) KIM 231 min DD veya (or) KIM 231 min DD veya KIM 104 min DD veya (or) KIM 104E min DD veya (or) KIM 205 min DD veya (or) KIM 205E min DD veya (or) KIM 303 min DD veya (or) KIM 303E min DD
Required Facilities
Textbook Beginning Cosmetic Chemistry, Allured Publishing Corporation, 2nd ed., 2003.
• The Chemistry and Manufacture of Cosmetics, 3th Ed., Allured Publishing Corporation, 2000.
• Harry’s Cosmetology, 8th Ed., Chemical Publishing Co., Inc., 2000.
• Poucher’s Perfumes, Cosmetics and Soaps, 10th Ed., Kluwer Academic Publications, 2000.
Other References
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