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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Sürekli Ortamlar Fiziği
English Physics of Continuous Media
Course Code
FIZ 114E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 2 2 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Esra Alveroğlu Durucu
Course Objectives 1. Applying Newton’ s laws and conservation theorems to analyze the gravitation problem
2.Fundamentals of waves and oscillations
3.An introduction to continuum mechanics
4. A basic knowledge of thermodynamics
Course Description Gravitation, Periodic motions, Free oscillations, Forced oscillations and resonance, Standing
and propagating waves, Fluid mechanics, Sound, Temperature and heat transfer, First law of
thermodynamics, Second law of thermodynamics
Course Outcomes 1. Basic applications of Newton universal gravitation law
2. Natural frequency of oscillations of simple systems
3.Waves mechanics
4. Archimedes’ and Bernoulli's laws
5. Sound in gases, liquids and solids.
6. Heat transfer
7.First law of thermodynamics
8. Second law of thermodynamics
Pre-requisite(s) FIZ 113 MIN DD or FIZ 111 MIN DD or FIZ 111E MIN DD
or FIZ 101 MIN DD or FIZ 101E MIN DD
Required Facilities
Other References
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