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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Günlük Yaşamımızda Fizik
English Physics in Our Daily Life
Course Code
FIZ 449 Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Zuhal Er
Course Objectives To interpret daily life with the laws and subjects of physics
Course Description Laws of Motion, Mechanical bodies, fluids, fluid and motion, heat and thermodynamics, resonance and mechanical waves, electric and magnetic forces, electrodynamics, electronics, electromagnetic waves, light, optics, modern physics, phase transitions, materials science, chemical physics
Course Outcomes To be able to apply the concepts of physics science about mechanics, electrical, heat and thermodynamics, optics, modern physics and chemical physics to life
Pre-requisite(s) yok
Required Facilities Computer, animation, video, simulation.. tools
Other being investigative and curious
Textbook N/A
Other References -
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