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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Genel Relativite
English General Relativity
Course Code
FIZ 494E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Neşe Özdemir
Course Objectives 1. Understanding the general structure of space-time and interpretation results of astrophysical experiments
2. Finding trajectories of the astrophysical objects as well as light in the presence of gravitational field 3. Differences on Newtonian and Einsteinian orbits
4. Examining vacuum and matter field solutions of the field equations 5. Understanding general structure of the universe.
Course Description Special relativity revisited, spacetime structure, tensor calculus, principles of general relativity, Einstein's field equations, speherically symmetric static vacuum solution, geodesic equations, tests of general relativity, gravitational waves, cosmological models.
Course Outcomes Students completing this course will be able to:
I. Concepts of space-time, inertial, non-inertial observers, 4-velocity 4-acceleration
II. Understanding general mathematical structure of space-time, defining connections by using tensor calculus III. Finding geodesics of the space-time IV. Tests of general relativity such as bending of light, gravitational redshift V. Schwarzschild solution and its properties VI. Plane gravitational wave solution of the field equations VII. Understanding standard cosmological models.
Required Facilities
Textbook 1) Gravity: An introduction to Einstein's general relativity, J.B. Hartle, Addison Wesley 2003
2) Introducting Einstein's relativity, R. d'Inverno, Oxford: Clarendon, c1992
Other References 3) Spacetime and geometry : an introduction to general relativity, Sean Carroll, San Francisco: Addison Wesley, c2004
4) A first course in general relativity, B.F. Schutz, TheCambridge University Press, 1985
5) Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity: With modern applications in cosmology, O. Grön, S. Hervik, Springer, 2007
6) The classical theory of Fields, L.D. Landau, Lifschitz, 1973
7) An introduction to general relativity, L.P. Hughston, K.P. Tod, Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1990
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