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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Science and Letters / KIM 114L - Genel Kimya II Lab.

KIM 114L - General Chemistry II Lab.

Course Objectives

Application of Le Chatelier?s Principle to the Iron-Thiocyanate, Acids, bases, and their salts, Preparing Buffers and Buffer Capacity, Determination of a solubility product constant, Preparation of [Co(NH3)5ONO]Cl2 -Linkage Isomerism, Analysis of the cations in the Group I or the Chloride Group, The hydrogen Sulfide Group, The Ammonium Sulfide Group, Group IV cations, Analysis of common anions and their salts

Course Description

Application of Le Chatelier?s Principle to the Iron-Thiocyanate, Acids, bases, and their salts, Preparing Buffers and Buffer Capacity, Determination of a solubility product constant, Preparation of [Co(NH3)5ONO]Cl2 -Linkage Isomerism, Analysis of the cations in the Group I or the Chloride Group, The hydrogen Sulfide Group, The Ammonium Sulfide Group, Group IV cations, Analysis of common anions and their salts

Course Coordinator
Ozan Sanlı Şentürk
Course Language
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