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KIM 315E - The Chemistry of Elements

Course Objectives

Introduction to elements chemistry, hydrogen, carbon, silicon and the rest of IVA Dersin İçeriği elements, nitrogen, phosphorous and the rest of VA elements, chalcogens, halogens, noble gases, boron and the rest of IIIA elements, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, (Course Description) zinc-cadmium-mercury triad, rare earth elements.

Course Description

Introduction to elements chemistry, hydrogen, carbon, silicon and the rest of IVA Dersin İçeriği elements, nitrogen, phosphorous and the rest of VA elements, chalcogens, halogens, noble gases, boron and the rest of IIIA elements, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, (Course Description) zinc-cadmium-mercury triad, rare earth elements.

Course Coordinator
Özgül Sağlam
Course Language
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